So first things first, I put out a new video where I watched Februarys State of Play which got decent views, I put out another Matt Wilson Compilation covering the Beginning of their gaming channel, from the E3 Specials to the two games they played after.
That compilation will be the last one for awhile since I don't want to overwork myself and I didn't have any plans for Compilations after that, Both videos are 10 Minutes, so they're hopefully worth the quick watch.
On an Unfortunate note my Health has been on the decline for awhile now, I tried to get better with the 4 Videos I put out but during the same week I caught the flu then had to be taken to the Emergency Room due to Stomach Blockage & Liver Elevation, it got so bad to a point where the entire Right side of my Body was in immense pain and my whole arm went num, the Doctors thought it was a stroke and said that right in front of me.
I was given a Aspirin, a Pain Pill, A Medical Shot & None of it worked, my pain was getting worse until they finally decided to shoot me with Morphine & that seemed to do the trick, they have no idea what caused this to happen, so I'm now set up with a Stomach Doctor and sent me back home only for it to happen again 2 hours later, thankfully the meds they gave me worked but I am going to need alot of time to recover & find out just what the heck is wrong with me.
I don't want to leave this on a downer because all of this happened as of this post 2 days ago.
So I bought me an Anbernic SP, which is a GBASP Clone that can play NES up to PSP Games, I had a lot of fun with it, seeing what it could play and importing MP4 's into it.
Then one day I accidentally deleted everything, not just the games, I mean everything, the whole operating system, I effectively took this sucker out of commission, thankfully I called up my Brother for help & despite never owning one or even seeing one he managed to help me get everything back, with the only major difference being the color of the UI (when I bought it it was green, now it's blue...your blue now)
So that's about it for now, hope you have a safe 2025, Goodbye, I'm gonna go eat~!