Hi, My Name is Luke Bisping, I'm an Artist, Online Voice Actor & as of right now a First Time Animator in training, I'm a huge fan of classic Flash Animation & absolutely love the Absurd Humor that comes from them, I hope you enjoy my Content each upload.

Luke Bisping @LukeBisping


Artist, VA, Animator

Joined on 2/2/21

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LukeBisping's News

Posted by LukeBisping - 6 days ago

So first things first, I put out a new video where I watched Februarys State of Play which got decent views, I put out another Matt Wilson Compilation covering the Beginning of their gaming channel, from the E3 Specials to the two games they played after.

That compilation will be the last one for awhile since I don't want to overwork myself and I didn't have any plans for Compilations after that, Both videos are 10 Minutes, so they're hopefully worth the quick watch.

On an Unfortunate note my Health has been on the decline for awhile now, I tried to get better with the 4 Videos I put out but during the same week I caught the flu then had to be taken to the Emergency Room due to Stomach Blockage & Liver Elevation, it got so bad to a point where the entire Right side of my Body was in immense pain and my whole arm went num, the Doctors thought it was a stroke and said that right in front of me.

I was given a Aspirin, a Pain Pill, A Medical Shot & None of it worked, my pain was getting worse until they finally decided to shoot me with Morphine & that seemed to do the trick, they have no idea what caused this to happen, so I'm now set up with a Stomach Doctor and sent me back home only for it to happen again 2 hours later, thankfully the meds they gave me worked but I am going to need alot of time to recover & find out just what the heck is wrong with me.

I don't want to leave this on a downer because all of this happened as of this post 2 days ago.

So I bought me an Anbernic SP, which is a GBASP Clone that can play NES up to PSP Games, I had a lot of fun with it, seeing what it could play and importing MP4 's into it.

Then one day I accidentally deleted everything, not just the games, I mean everything, the whole operating system, I effectively took this sucker out of commission, thankfully I called up my Brother for help & despite never owning one or even seeing one he managed to help me get everything back, with the only major difference being the color of the UI (when I bought it it was green, now it's blue...your blue now)

So that's about it for now, hope you have a safe 2025, Goodbye, I'm gonna go eat~!


Posted by LukeBisping - January 17th, 2025

Hello, Haven't said much since last update, so just posting this here to tell y'all how I've been.

Unfortunately these past few months have been rough for me physically, for Half of Last Year I spent all that time sick, Frequent Headaches, Back & Chest Pains and a Soar throat through out, Frequently having Panic attacks & have passed out a good chunk of times when I'm out of the house.

I have thankfully made attempts to be active, getting some drawings done & got 3 videos done for YouTube, Covered the 2007 New Year's Eve Episode of X-Play, Gave a Late Reaction to the September State of Play Presentation & Had a bit of fun going back in time to watch the Wii U Preview Presentation.

I worked a Compilation for my 2nd Channel called Fake Blonde Edits, it's a Fan Edit of Matt Wilsons playthrough of CUBE Directors Cut, all of those videos are getting decent numbers, with the Wii U Video going up to 90 Views with State of Play behind with around 70, I know that might not be much but for me that's a big deal, it's all about the silver lining.

I am getting some work done animation wise, I just now learned how to properly animate in Adobe Flash by complete accident, I learned through Python coding, there was a website someone made that teaches you basic Python for creating games & I noticed some of the sites tools were almost the same as Adobe Flash, so my mind started thinking "What if I just did this in Flash" and just like that I know how to animate now.

I have a single cartoon in the works, I have the plot synopsis finished, 3 Character renders created & 1 Background, Progress is good, it's not gonna be like the movie, it's going to be somewhere around 6 to 7 minutes tops, I'll be working on the 1st draft of the script soon.

I don't have an exact date for when it will be finished & with how my health has been I doubt it'll be anytime this month or the next.

So that's about it for now, I plan on doing more artwork that I hope you'll enjoy & I hope you have a very Safe 2025, buh bye~!



Posted by LukeBisping - April 15th, 2024

Aloha People, It's been a dang long while hasn't it? Diet Stage going to turn 2 Years Old Soon and is on it's way to getting 2,000 Views, So I'm happy about that, yes, the animation is choppy but I cannot stress this enough, it was my first animation & I'm happy with how it ultimately turned out.

Now in the Years since this Film has had a huge impact on my life both positively and negatively and my God, the Negatives are weird.

I never thought in my life that I would have my Faith in my Favorite Animator stress tested this much over the course of 2 Years, Diet Stage was inspired by Matt Wilson obviously, in the days I found out there are some folks out there whom aren't fans of theirs or at the very least are Bonus Stage fans but don't like their Newer Stuff, I am both a Fan of Matt's older works as well as their Newer works, so with that in mind, my God.

I popped into an Animation based Server (which I'm not gonna say the name of here but I did name drop them in Twitter abunch) and Wow, A lot of people in that server did not like Matt Wilsons newer work or they just didn't like them as person, it was so bad to the point it was obsessive how badly they didn't like them, I checked the server Catalog & All of the Chats were just them talking smack about Matt & acting like all of the flaws they had when they were Younger were still going on today and when those guys found out I was a Matt Wilson fan, I was not prepared for the amount of Gaslighting they would dump on me, Whenever a VC was open they would be extremely vague with their wording or condescend to me about Matt, It's like they were trying way too hard to get me not to like Matt & of course I wasn't having any of it but this was progressively turning into a problem the more I was in there.

It was very clear to me that they didn't like me because I was a Matt Wilson Fan, despite the multiple times where they've told me other wise or I was always met with a "No, We like them, we just don't like their Newer works" which again, I totally get but their dislike was on a whole other level, if you're going out of your way to Gaslight People, There's a problem & It was very clear I wasn't wanted.

It got to a point where they just straight up made up a Reason to Ban me from their Server (this is wear the mature tag comes in) , They booted me from the server under False Accusations of grooming, literally I posted Two memes in the general chat which was the Meme about The guy peeing on his pillow and the then recent meme at the time "The F**k you mean Nu Uh", they took those two memes I said, accused me of flirting with an underaged user and before I could say anything to correct them, they sent me a Doubtful face and Quickly banned me. That's a pretty freaking huge thing to accuse a person of doing, and it happened so fast so quickly you swear they scripted the whole damn thing, I totally get misinterpreting what someone was saying and telling them to be careful with their wording but this felt like it was On Purpose just so they'd have a reason to get rid of me. All because I like Matt Wilson, I have never been put through such a stressful time in my life, I never thought that I would have to prove my faith in an animator before on such a high level because after all that, I'm still a Bonus Stage fan, I still like Matt Wilson and I still like my Movie & no amount of Gaslighting is gonna change that, you'd think this would have left a permanent stain on my thoughts toward my own film but no, I love what I did, I worked my butt off and I will not let anyone downplay my appreciation for the Creator who made the series.

I will go to War if I have to defend my right to support them.

So how was your day XP?

We're done with the Negative Section now, on with the Positives, thanks to the movie, I've been given the opportunity to work with a bunch of fellow Animators and Artist, Specially one's from Sonic Revolution, Yeah, I had absolutely no clue there was Bonus Stage fans in a mainly Sonic based Server and they like Matt's newer stuff too & they were totally up for helping do some Fan Animations for stuff like Puzzle Hunters in the possible future, Awesome! Don't know when I'll have the time for that since my body is thoroughly still tired from working on Diet Stage, but hey, plans for the future & alot of support from folks are there for when they happen.

A professional Animators saw my Movie & gave me some humble criticism, both positive and negative which was to be expected, so I appreciated it none the less, They said the animation was crude and choppy but they loved the writing & humor & I'm so happy that all of the Voice Actors are getting the praise they deserve, Especially Mectro15, He became the fav for most people, that boy worked his butt off emotionally in the metaphorical booth & we're gonna appreciate that.

My Film Spawned a Fanfiction! Evils Mom became such a a Prominent figure for Bonus Stage fans that she made an Appearance in a Fanfiction based off of the Scrapped Backstory I gave her, Wow! Granted the fanfiction was a crossover with a Series I never heard of before but still, that's still a shocker to me, I read the whole dang script, they made up their own lore for Evils Mom and gave her abilities & a brand new name & gave her a FREAKING ISLAND! JUST WOW! 🤯


Okay, I'm going to cut off the Diet Stage/Bonus Stage related stuff here, I don't want this being just that, so here's what's been going on in my life outside of the movie.

I've worked on 2 "Reactionary" Series on YouTube where I watched The PC Gamer Show & X-Play, Reactionary in heavy quotations because they're less reaction based videos and more "Make Jokes at everything I see and hear", a reaction implies adding to a conversation & none of my jokes are ever relevant to the subject at hand, the one time I did try discussing something, my viewers quickly told me to shut up & they were totally in the right.

Basically I turned my YouTube Channel into a MST3K/ Rifftrax Style Channel for awhile, along with that I cover Playstation/Xbox and Nintendo Presentations, I'm usually always late to the party when it comes to those though but as long as people are enjoying the content that's what's important.

I've done plenty of sketch comedies, I put out a Halo style Gmod Machinima inspired by Creators like imSuck, copyright music be damned, it was worth it in the end.

Then in the middle of it all during my latest uploads, I accidentally poisoned myself, my room was filled with a ton of bugs one day and I ended up using too much bug spray and all that bad stuff that happens when you're poisoned happened to me & not fun, don't inhale bleach folks, it'll mess you up.

Sooo yeah, that's about it when it comes to what's been going on with me for the past 2 Years, a lot of trial & error but I'm here, I'm thankfully still alive & I hope I can come back here soon to give y'all some more Art & Hopefully another Animation in the proceeding future. Buh-Bye~!


Posted by LukeBisping - June 11th, 2023


So for those of you whom don't follow me on social media alot has happened over the past couple of months, first off My Grandpa recently got out of the Hospital after recovering from a Heart Attack & is now currently living with my family & I, He's been doing okay since, nothing we can't handle.

Now here's where the actual problems come on, we got A PUPPY! Yeahhh they've been a little hell spawn, they bite alot & have somehow flooded the house 3 times in a row, we originally got them because our older Puppy Kirly was depressed and needed a playmate...so the idea was there & it was a good idea but we didn't expect it to be such a major pain in the arse, Kirly does not like them, I knew this was going to happen but dang, We really didn't think they'd be a problem for us too. So right now we're trying to call in a trainer because we're amateurs whom have no clue what their doing dealing with a dog who's meant to be hyper active 24/7, mistakes have been made but hey, I'll just have to live with them.

This does mean however that any progress I had for making content for this account has gone down the drain, the stress of it has left me exhausted and I am way too tired to be working on anything right now, I haven't even voice acted for anyone yet because I've gotten so stressed.

I have managed to upload some stuff to my YouTube though, before the little hell spawn breached our sanity, I've actually recorded several livestreams where I play abunch of Racing games on Gamecube & PS2, only one of them went absolutely wrong, These games include: Burnout 2 Point of Impact, OG Burnout, Need for Speed Underground 2 & Mario Kart Double Dash!!

I also ended up doing my very 1st FULL PLAYTHROUGH with Portal, beating it in just 2 days. which was about 3 and half hours if you do the matt, although I ended it down to just being 3 Hours.

I also managed to get some of the Main Voice Cast of Diet Stage Back to do a Small Fandub for the Old High Score Comix done by Matt Wilson, so that was fun.

The Most Recent Thing I uploaded was on my Birthday June 9th, I got around to uploading a Year old Rifftrax style Commentary of Harmageddon with some really funny friends of mine, The Version of it that's on YouTube right now is an Edited Down Highlight Real of all the funny jokes we made while watching it, The Full Commentary being available on my Patreon completely Free for Viewing, If I made y'all pay for it I'd get into some serious legal trouble & I don't wanna deal with that.

So that's about everything that's happened in my life thus far, See y'all soon & Have a Safe week & a Wonderful rest of your Month, Buh-Bye~!


Posted by LukeBisping - March 15th, 2023

Happy Late Late Late 2023 Everybody!

Once again I find myself coming back here and seeing the process of how the movie is doing and I am shocked 😳 Surprised even, by how much positivity it's been getting, endless amounts of thank you to all of you.

Which brings us to a very much relevant question, what's next?...yep, that's one heck of a question.

I've been trying to figure that one out for awhile now, I've been active for Abit on YouTube & Twitter, Typical Meme Fair when it comes to Social Media of the Tweet verity, I've recorded myself watching all of the Cutscenes from The Bouncer with my buddy Mectro15 & playing the Gmod Version of the Jurassic Park Ride, so that's some cool stuff to check out if y'all are into that.

But in terms of Future Animations, that's tricky, getting the obvious question out of the way, will there be a sequel, No, I don't plan on it, the Film is definitely a One-Shot, will I make anything else Bonus Stage related, maybe but that all depends on everyone's schedule & my patience, ADHD be damned.

I'm trying to get another Project going but I've been back and forth on whether or not I want to do it, I've got two projects in mind but as far as process goes their both stuck within the confines of my noggin.

I've been learning how to draw in Adobe Animate, so my skills have improved by alot but I don't know how to use anything actually animation related, so that'll take some time for me to get use to before doing anything major, I've gotten as far as Rigs and Renders but not enough for a full animation, currently I'm stuck on body types, Buff guys are hard to draw.

Other than that I have no clue what it is want to do for this site right now, suggestions are welcome and feedback is appreciated, so yeah, that's about it for today.

Have a Good Rest of your Day, a Good Night and a Safe Week, till next time~!


Posted by LukeBisping - November 27th, 2022

How did everyone's Thanksgiving go? Varied? Relatable 😂 it usually is, anyway Long time no see everybody, we're in the aftermath of the movie coming out.

It's been 6 Months since DIET STAGE came out & from what I'm seeing it's still going strong, with over a Thousand views & a Decent Rating of 3.32 out of 5.00 I'd say I'm very proud with how things have been going for it.

Thank you to everyone for all of the support and especially to everyone that worked on it! Although if I'm being honest one thing I would like to see more of is Critique, I love seeing the numbers go up and the notifications that people are faving it are much appreciated but I would like to encourage people to give their thoughts vocally on it, feedback is very important for me as an Artist & as an Animator, I'd like to know what exactly people liked about it and what parts need to be improved on for future animations, I want to know what y'all thought of the story, the jokes and obviously the way it was animated, all that good stuff.

But yeah, some of you have probably already heard me ramble on about this endlessly on Twitter so I'll change the subject and tell most of you what's going down right now.

I do plan on doing Future fan animations, they're not going to be as long, possibly 4 to 5 minutes to save some time on workload, some friends of mine encouraged me to not overwork myself so I'm focusing on that, they're all currently in the juggling stage right now, I'm still working on the 1st drafts and depending on my tight schedule I'm not sure which one will come out first, I've already got a small team ready to work on 1 of them, so that's always nice.

I've been getting into doing more rigging these days, I've been working on skeletons alot & I'm very proud with what I've managed to get done so far, it's just I haven't figured out what I'm going to use them for yet, ADHD be damned.

I've been drawing alot on Twitter, putting out bundles after bundles after bundles, I don't know if Twitter will be dead soon or later but you can check those out if you want to, now I've been alittle bit more active on YouTube, I did 2 videos covering the Playstation Event from afew weeks ago & the Mario Movie plus a 3rd vid where I play Half-life on PS2, they're pretty chill, nothing too chaotic, you'll get a decent 3 hours out of it.

Aaaaaaaaaaand (I've said and abunch in this) that's about it for Updates, you're all caught up now and I hope to see you all soon when I upload again, have a good night & a safe week everybody! Buh-bye.


Posted by LukeBisping - May 8th, 2022

For those who missed it, Diet Stage is out now and Available to view on this Site & YouTube as Well, Check it out & give some Feedback when you can, I and the Team would really appreciate it.


Posted by LukeBisping - March 8th, 2022

So the Trailer for the Movie is finally out! Heck Yeah!

The Movie itself is just about done like I said in the description, I will admit though adding the final touches will take awhile, so the current progress on it I would say is 95% done 👍.

We got the ending credits sequence done & so far it looks fantastic!

You'll get to see the entire progression of the Animation when the Movie is done, it'll be premiering on YouTube first then posted here shortly after, so get your popcorn ready for that, couple friends and I are talking about doing a watch party on the day it comes out so I'm excited & alittle nervous about that.


So back to that Trailer, Wow! The Reactions we got were bigger than we expected, it has decent numbers on YouTube, hitting currently 120 views at the time of this post but Wow for this site!

300 Views! 😲 That's incredible, you guys & gals & none binary pals are fast! The Team & I cannot thank you enough for that, it may not be that much but it means the world to us~.

Much like in the Trailer Description, we hope you're just as hyped as we are for the film, see ya there~!



Posted by LukeBisping - November 16th, 2021

I have come baring the good of news! Progress has come upon this glorious week! My Hiatus has ended and Stuff has been done! I just repeated myself but I don't care! (I do), I am happy to report that 7 Minutes of the Movie have been voiced for and fully Animated! New Details have been added to the movie involving Projectile Vomiting which is hilarious!

Anybody ever animated a shovel before? Then you know exactly what I mean~

I am so happy things are actually getting done, I have worked so long to get up to this point in the Project & I can assure you it looks goooooood!

The Script had turned 1 year old! I've spent most of my life trying to get this in production and I'm just hyping myself up at this point, I don't know if anyone is reading this XP You probably left, there's popcorn all over the floor isn't there?

I'll clean that up!

Anyway, that's all I have to say, Progress is here and now! Good night & have a Safe & Happy Week!



That pibby though :V, Velma is terrifying, OKAY I'll stop now G'night~ XP

Posted by LukeBisping - September 22nd, 2021

I am very sorry for not really posting much, let's just say the year has been pretty rough on everyone.

That Movie I'm working on is still in production, so glad I'm making this for free because if this was a paid production I would be screwed XP, But Progress is still happening, More People have pitched in to help get the project off the ground, we have an a New Version of the Movies theme song and soon an even newer one will be coming.

Assets for the movie are being moved around here and there, Everything has been recorded and extra lines have been added and my nearly am getting done with the portions I have left, so that makes the total time of the movie that has been animated 3 minutes, possibly 4.

So stay tuned for that and I am praying for the time when I finally submit it here.

My Patience is on the same level as you right now, so sit tight and see ya soon.